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Event Listeners

If you enabled the server notifications on your IAP provider control panel, LIAP will trigger a purchase event once a notification is received.

Creating an Event Listener

Your application should create an event listener to handle the different states of the subscription life cycle. Each state update will trigger a specific event which you can listen to as follows:

namespace App\Listeners;

use Imdhemy\Purchases\Events\GooglePlay\SubscriptionRenewed;

class AutoRenewSubscription
* Auto-renews the subscription.
* @param SubscriptionRenewed $event
* @return void
public function handle(SubscriptionRenewed $event) {
// Do something with the subscription

Add the created listener to the associated event key.


// .. Other configurations are trimmed out for brevity
'eventListeners' => [
SubscriptionRenewed::class => [\App\Listeners\AutoRenewSubscription::class],

Accessing the Event Data

All triggered events implement Imdhemy\Purchases\Contracts\PurchaseEventContract interface, which allows you to access to the notification data through the getServerNotification() method.

The server notification in turn gives you access to the related subscription through the getSubscription() method.

The subscription instance gives you access to the following methods:

getExpiryTime()Returns the subscription expiry time.
getItemId()Returns the subscription item ID.
getProvider()Returns the subscription provider. ('app_store' or 'google_play')
getUniqueIdentifier()Returns the subscription unique identifier.
getProviderRepresentation()Returns the subscription provider original representation. This is useful for accessing extra subscription data if required.

Handling an event example

Below is an example of how to handle an incoming purchase event:

namespace App\Listeners;

use Imdhemy\Purchases\Events\GooglePlay\SubscriptionRenewed;
use App\Repositories\SubscriptionRepository;
use App\User;

class AutoRenewSubscription
* @param SubscriptionRepository
public function __construct(SubscriptionRepository $subscriptionRepository)
$this->subscriptionRepository = $subscriptionRepository;

* Auto-renews the subscription.
* @param SubscriptionRenewed $event
* @return void
public function handle(SubscriptionRenewed $event)
// The following data can be retrieved from the event
$subscription = $event->getServerNotification()->getSubscription();
$uniqueIdentifier = $subscription->getUniqueIdentifier();
$expirationTime = $subscription->getExpiryTime();

// The following steps are up to you, this is only an imagined scenario.
$subscription = $this->subscriptionRepository->find($uniqueIdentifier);

// Let's say you want to send a notification to the user

* Notify the user about the subscription update.
* @param User $user
* @return void
private function notifyUserAboutUpdate($user)
// Send an email to the user